How to improve the strength of the Signal with the Coverage of your Wi-Fi Router

laptops Mafia
4 min readMar 20, 2021


Don’t know how to strengthen the signal of your Wi-Fi router? Planning to buy a more powerful router or even a wireless signal booster? The article contains simple recommendations on how to make the Wi-Fi router coverage of the highest quality absolutely free without buying new devices.

If the signal in some places of the house or apartment is very weak, then do not rush to buy a new Wi-Fi router, since expensive models do not differ so much from inexpensive ones in terms of characteristics. Most likely, the signal will become stronger, but as a result, it will simply become a little stronger where it was weak, and in those places where it was not there, it will still be insufficient for stable operation.

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Yes, you can try for weeks to change the parameters of the wireless module in the router, look for improved firmware and make homemade antennas. But it is much easier to just correctly position the Wi-Fi router in a house or apartment since this is more important than the transmitter power and antenna gain combined.

Features of Wi-Fi signal propagation

The Wi-Fi signal is weakly reflected and mainly spreads in a straight line, allowing you to work without obstacles at distances of up to 300 meters and even further, but it is very much lost when passing through walls, especially capital and reinforced concrete.

Therefore, when choosing a place for installing a Wi-Fi router, it is necessary to imagine straight lines to those places in an apartment or house in which clients will most often be located (a laptop table in the room; SmartTV in the living room; a kitchen table at which many people like to sit with a tablet and etc.

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It is very important that in the path of these straight lines there are a few walls and other large objects as possible, or they intersect at the most right angle possible. In addition, it should be borne in mind that large metal or metal-containing objects (refrigerators, washing machines, mirrors in wardrobes that are fashionable now, and so on) are absolutely opaque to radio waves, so the signal will pass behind them only due to reflection from the sidewalls, i.e. .e. it will be much weaker and of poor quality.

Naturally, conditions are very different, but the general observation is that most laptops begin to receive unstable signals through 3 walls, and tablets, and smartphones — after 2 walls. This rule is often observed, but still not an axiom, since there are cases when even through 5 walls, by turning the laptop a little, it was possible to use the Internet relatively stably.

In addition, in tight urban areas, the density of closely located active devices is often so high that even the use of expensive Wi-Fi routers with high-quality antennas will not always be able to significantly improve the situation. In this case, you need to scan the network (for example, a very simple program for Android WiFi Analyzer) and occupy a channel where the signal from other routers will be as weak as possible.

Most often, channels 12 and 13 are the freest, but it should be borne in mind that some client devices (laptops, tablets, smartphones) will not be able to connect to the router at these frequencies.

Wifi router installation information with detail

The diagrams are drawn up on the example of one of the typical layouts of a 3-room apartment. The location of the router is indicated by a star, and the expected signal level in different places is indicated by a familiar pictogram. It is assumed that a conventional, inexpensive router with a transmitter power of 20 dBm and a standard omnidirectional antenna with a gain of 5 dBi is used.

Example 1, unsuccessful location of the router — in the corner of one of the rooms. The signal will be good only in half of the premises, and in the “places of loneliness”, where smartphones and tablets are usually used, it may well be absent.

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Example 2, a very unfortunate location of the router — in the kitchen near the kitchen table. Although the coverage will be very good or at least stable almost throughout the apartment, in Room 2 the signal will be very weak or practically absent since it will be necessary to “break” through 4 walls, which are located at 45 degrees, which is equivalent to 6 walls.

Example 3, the optimal location of the router is in the center of an apartment or house, in the most open place. In this case, the signal will be good or very good in all rooms and on the balcony, since in most cases there will be no more than 1 wall on the path of straight lines from the installation site to the clients.

It should be borne in mind that a weak Wi-Fi signal or an unstable connection to the Internet can be due to dozens of different reasons (provider problems; raw router firmware; faulty router or adapter in a client device; radio interference from a nearby device, etc.) ), but many factors are often difficult for us to influence, but choosing the right Wi-Fi router and the optimal place for its installation is not difficult at all.




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